Delivering Reliable, Clean, and Affordable Energy

For over 70 years, Apex Utilities has focused on serving the Alberta community, keeping customers warm with consistent service and responsive support.
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Comparing Natural Gas and

Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel, and it’s an abundant, local energy source with existing infrastructure that helps Albertans heat their homes and water in a cost-effective way. When compared to electricity, natural gas rates are significantly lower.

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Natural Gas Equipment and

Natural gas appliances like furnaces, hot water tanks, BBQs, stoves, dryers, and combined heat and power systems, will save you money. Modern natural gas appliances are up to 98% efficient and on average use less fuel to achieve the same result as their electric alternative.

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Latest News

Get the inside scoop on what’s happening at Apex Utilities

Fuelling Canada: We can do it.


Fuelling Canada is a “resource hub for Canadians to learn more about natural gas and its essential role in the Canadian economy.” Its mission is to build understanding and education about natural gas and its role in the Canadian economy.  Are you interested in learning more about Fuelling Canada? Check out the Fuelling Canada website […]

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Micro-Combined Heat and Power Unit at Apex Utilities District Office


Apex Utilities recently commissioned a natural gas micro-combined heat and power (mCHP) unit at its Leduc District Office: the first project to pilot natural gas alternative energy systems and reduce emissions. The mCHP is a reliable technology that simultaneously produces heat and power from natural gas and lowers both electricity costs and emissions. To learn […]

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Apex Utilities Inc. Announces Pipeline Replacement Projects in Morinville and Westlock


Apex Utilities Inc. (Apex) continues its major pipeline replacement program with two projects in 2022. These projects are a part of an important program to revitalize and ensure the ongoing and safe operation of its natural gas pipeline system in the communities of Morinville and Westlock. Between the two projects, Apex will replace over 33 […]

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