Move a Gas Line or Meter

Request to Transfer or Change Existing Equipment

Moving a natural gas line or meter may be required if:

  • You add a new gas appliance and your gas fitter needs the meter or regulator upgraded;
  • You extend or build a new structure;
  • The gas line is under an existing building or structure; or
  • You landscape and change the grade of your land.

REMEMBER to Click Before You Dig

If you need to relocate the natural gas line or gas meter, contact us  or call our Customer Care Centre at 1-866-222-2067, and provide the following:

  • A description of the work;
  • The address/location of the work;
  • The total load of all new and existing gas appliances in British Thermal Units (BTU);
  • The requested delivery pressure; and
  • The name and contact phone number for your gas fitter.

An Apex Utilities representative will contact you to discuss the details of your request.

Questions about moving your natural gas line or meter? Call 1-866-222-2067 or Contact us