Your unique number to reference when you call our Customer Care Team or make online bank payments.
The address where natural gas service is being provided. It may or may not be the same as the Mailing Address.
A unique number assigned to the service address.
The rate classification that applies to your service address. All rates are ap-proved by the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board.
The date range period for the current invoice.
The amount of your previous invoice.
The payment (s) you have made since your last invoice.
Any unpaid amounts from the previous invoice.
Total amount due for the current billing period.
Total amount for current billing period and any previous unpaid amounts.
A per unit rate ($/GJ) to recover the market rate of the cost of natural gas you consume plus gas supply management costs.
A daily fee to recover the costs incurred by us to be your default gas supplier, regardless of the amount used.
A daily fee to recover a portion of the cost to provide gas distribution service, regardless of the amount used.
A fee calculated on a per unit rate ($/GJ) to recover gas distribution service costs not included in the Fixed Delivery.
The charge calculated on a per unit rate ($/GJ) to recover the costs of transporting natural gas to our distribution system through pipelines owned by other companies.
Taxes and fees levied by and paid in full to your municipality or other third party.
Fees levied by and paid in full to your municipality.
Indicates whether your meter read was actual (A) or estimated (E).
Volume of gas measured in hundreds of cubic feet.
Used to convert gas measured in CCF to GJ (gigajoules).
Your invoice is calculated based on the units of energy in gigajoules (GJ) used during the invoice period.
A temporary charge to recover the outstanding deferral balances from the Utility Payment Deferral Program (UPDP).
Visit Federal Carbon Tax for more information